What is Machine Languge : We all speak different languages, humans speak human language, animals speak their language, and so on. Similarly, computers (machine) speaks machine language , makes sense? Of course it does makes sense when put this way,...
What is Big Data Analytics ? Definition with Video What is Big Data Data which are very large in size is called Big Data. Normally we work on data of size MB (Word doc, Excel) or maximum GB (Movies, Codes) but...
Internet of Things   The term ‘ Internet of Things ’ is kind of pretty self-explanatory itself, which means a number of things connected together via internet. The Internet of Things is actually a quite vast and diverse topic, spanning from...
How To Install Drivers There are many ways for installing a driver software in Windows Operating System and today we are going to discuss the two most common and easiest way of doing so. The first one is downloading an...
What is Database Management System ? DBMS Interview Questions What is Database ? Database is a collection of related data that is organized in such a way that it can easily be accessed, managed and updated. Most Databases contain many tables, each...
What All You Need to Know About the Refurbished Gadgets Any phone which was pre-owned and later sold for the purpose of reselling. After when it is resold the buyer repairs the defected parts and then prepares it to be...
Artificial Intelligence :   So what do you mean by Artificial Intelligence ? Or, what is Artificial Intelligence ? Let’s break it down to understand it better. First, let’s talk about the term ‘ artificial ’, artificial means something that is...
How to Build an Ecommerce Website Step By Step What is e-Commerce e-Commerce, also known as e-Business, or electronic business, is simply the sale and purchase of services and goods over an electronic medium, like the Internet. It also involves electronically...
Neural Networks

What is Neural Network ?

What is Neural Networks ?   Let’s talk about Neural Networks. SO, what is exactly a Neural Network? A Neural Network or an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is an information processing paradigm which is inspired by the way our biological nervous...
5 Ways to Improve Performance on a Windows PC Although hardware continues to improve and our operating systems are always releasing new updates, over time, our systems do tend to slow down, which can be a problem, for a great...

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