Latest Technology Trends in India 2017


Latest Technology Trends in India 2017


In the fast growing country – India, we are updating our self on daily basis with the latest technology trends. Technology is the fast growing field with many of changes those have an outstanding effect on our lifestyle. So here are some excited technologies waiting for you-

Latest Technology Trends in India 2017

Artificial Intelligence(AI)

Improve customer service experience through artificial intelligence, one of the crucial technologies with extra ordinary advantages. It helps to improve the customer relationships with potential outcomes.


Latest Technology Trends in India 2017

Machine Learning

With the fastest growing country, one of the best cyber security tools is machine learning. Making the systems better in complex hacking problems, when all it comes to fin-tech and draining of billions from bank accounts. Top brands like Microsoft & Amazon are also working on cloud based platform.



Latest Technology Trends in India 2017

Virtual Reality

Also known as Augment reality, this technology attracts customers in a new way. A way of interaction of users with one another and with the software systems. “The landscape of immersive consumer and business content and applications will evolve dramatically through 2021,” said Mr. Cearley.



Latest Technology Trends in India 2017

Light Peak technology

To increase the speed of data transfer can be enabled by light peak technology which provides speed greater than 100GB per second. This technology will be emerging this year. We can use this upcoming technology to copy complete hard disk in a few seconds.



Latest Technology Trends in India 2017

Talos “Iron Man Suit”

This technology has been designed for the better protection of soldiers, Talos stands for Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit. The aim of this technology is to resemble the iron man suit in appearance.


Latest Technology Trends in India 2017

Self-Driving Vehicles

With the remarkable targets, many of the companies are working on self-driving vehicles. In 2017, there will be numbers of self-driven cars and vehicle on road. Some companies like Uber, Google are testing their autonomous vehicles for better efficiency and cost effective model.



Latest Technology Trends in India 2017

Internet Of Things

Making the home appliances better and the systems will be smarter by IoT. It helps in inter connectivity like smart media, air control, light & curtain, smart appliances, safeguard in a home technology. Google has come up with the Google home after the brilliant success of Amazon Echo. Now it’s more likely to come up with a new invention by Apple and Samsung.





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