Important Question Of Life : How To Handle Wife



You cannot have total control on wife, if attempts seem disturbing her, or irritates her, she can beat the shit out of you. Hence do not try pushing the issues so long, that things get messy and ruin your love life. Sometimes losing against your wife is part of the win in a relationship. Quick-witted hubby always manipulates the things and has a ‘board of control’ on her rather in an own SMART way.

As the universe knows, all women aren’t the same; shy and innocent one will easily get convinced (but they aren’t meant to be, all the times), though it is an ideal case which every husband isn’t gifted by.

Here are some ways for those people who wonders that how to handle a wife in a better way for a healthy marriage life:

  • Treat her more like a friend, understand her frustrations, stupidity, and stress. During those nasty situations, stands beside her and try to console her, at times pamper her like her best friend does, to control her emotions and bring her to the normal level.
  • Help her get out of the depressions, understand her mood swings, anxiety. For this, you need to study her well to handle her in a different situation yet again to have that control on her and bring her emotional state to a normal level.
  • Accept the individuality. Yes, this is mostly ignored and disvalued matter, which may develop some voids and end up weakening the bonds. She may have different views; respect her opinions too to make her value your opinions when you need her to do so. Male dominance is the dumbest way to have control over her in the present generation when things are changing for betterment. Treat her like an equal human before treating her like a female partner.
  • Impress her by being an ideal husband with positive values in you, such that she wants your child to admire you in terms of personality and respect in society. Have a good relationship with the outside world. This makes her proud and happy being with an ideal partner and she will accept your opinions and orders positively.
  • Handle her like a mother does to a child when she is pregnant. It is the most important time in your marital life, to prove your love and care towards her which will strengthen the bond. She will never let you go when you are in need and care you like her king.
  • Fights can’t be avoided. Be ready to handle frequent fights due to the difference in opinions. But the important thing to consider is, during such issue, Fight towards a problem, not towards each other. Have an equal effort with her sorting out the issue. End up your fight in a healthy way, Moonlight dinner like things may do wonders during the times. ‘Bingo’ you indirectly controlled her anger.
  • Help her in her career too. Be a supportive friend rather than a restricting partner. Controlling her by hindering her dreams almost depicts your unhealthy part in the relationship. Whatever she will achieve, will be your success too. This point actually depicts the way that shouldn’t be followed to control her.
  • Surprise with random gifts, bring in her a smile buying the beauty kits and other material things, prior to when you want something from her done, which you know she will say an absolute NOPE.
  • Give her ample quality time, praise her with beautiful words. Call her frequently; do have the romantic talks that can make her fall for you again and again. Retain the same love forever that you had before.
  • People are good manipulators. Stop her from mingling with a friend who always seems giving her hints to control you, which can turn the issues upside-down and you no longer have control on her.
  • Have a kind of attitude like being ready to end an unhealthy relationship. This will never let her take you for granted and disrespect you and ruin your life. Respect should be there from both ends. Equal efforts should be there from both ends to retain a healthy relationship. So have that firm ready-to-quit attitude.
  • Have a regular walk, take her for outing frequently, recreational areas in order to give her your precious time and add much-needed toppings on the delicious cake called Marriage life.
  • If you want to be slightly demanding many things from her, you should rather keep your words, fulfill your promises first.
  • The most important point to be tattooed in the mind is, never get into a physical assault, threatening or evil acts, this will destroy her as well as your peace permanently. Patience and love always help, don’t make her feel trapped or suffocated being with you.

Hope you found this helpful.

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