Rabindranath Tagore Childhood | Early Life | Awards | Death Rabindranath Tagore (also known as Rabindranath Thakur) was a prominent Indian poet and author who is one of the most celebrated literary figures of 20th century. His excellence in literature made...
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Funny and Naughty Kids Funny and Naughty Kids | बच्चे जहां कहीं भी खड़े हो वहां अपनी मस्ती और मासूमियत भरी शैतानियाँ करना शुरू कर देते है. जिन्हें देख कर आप उन्हें गुस्सा भी नहीं कर पाते और अपने लिए...
Introduction to Independence Day (15 August) Independence Day in India, people of all religions, traditions and culture together celebrate together happily together. Since 15 August 1947, this year is celebrated every year because on this day almost 200 years later,...
However, there are various inexpensive options available that can improve the look of your home. Home improvement projects can frequently feel overwhelming and expensive. There are many affordable ways to get the desired results, whether you're looking to update...
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I Am Not Supposed to Tell You This I Am Not Supposed to Tell You This , यह लाइन आज हर भारतीय के कानो में बार बार गूंज रही है. जिसे सुनकर हर भारतीय गर्व भी महसूस कर रहा है....
Action movies have always been loved by everyone and today the present generation seems to be more inclined towards them. One of the main reasons behind it is the handsome and dashing heroes of Bollywood who have attracted millions...
Weird Rituals in India Prostitution यानी वैश्यावृति या देह व्यापार जो भारत में चोरी छुपे अपने पाँव पसारे हुए है. इसमें महिलायें जबरदस्ती धकेली गयीं हो या किसी मज़बूरी के चलते खुद इस रास्ते को अपनाया हो आपको लेख के...
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